Monday, May 25, 2020
Technology, Social Media, And Their Affect On...
With recent advancements in technology (e-mail, phone, text, social media, and video conference), couples can manage and maintain their relationship with a simple touch of a button. Foremost, communication through technology is important to couples involved in long-distance relationships (LDRs), as the demand for relational development requires constant attention. The term â€Å"long-distance relationship†can often carry a negative association for those seeking love. There is a perception that geographical distance will prevent a strong and happy relationship from developing; however, it does not deter all couples from staying together. LDRs are identified by several factors, including: distance, the length of a relationship, and time living†¦show more content†¦Personally, I enjoy living with my husband and being with him every day. If there were a situation where he had to relocate for any reason, I would go with him. Therefore, this review of literature investigates how couples manage their LDRs from a distance. Furthermore, while aiming to explore the role computer-mediated communication (CMC) plays in their success. According to Maguire (2007), uncertainty about the future, especially with LDRs, can cause stress and dissatisfaction among partners. This study explores LDRs through â€Å"a five-point Likert-type scale (1 = not at all helpful; 5 = very helpful)†(p. 421), measuring two different theories: uncertainty reduction theory (URT) and uncertainty management theory (UMT). In Berger and Calabrese’s (1975) study (as cited in Maguire, 2007, p. 416) â€Å"Increased verbal communication, seeking information from others, and monitoring of behavior are some of the strategies individuals use to reduce their uncertainty in their relationships.†UMT defines how the individual manages their relationship according to their perception of the outcome. For example, if the individual perceives the relationship is working, they will continue to manage it as such. If the relationship is dwindling, the individual will withdrawal from the relationship (as a defense mechanism) until the rel ationship ends. To test these theories, Maguire (2007) conducted her study at a large university (name of university undisclosed in the article) usingShow MoreRelatedThe Pros And Cons Of Communication Technology1354 Words  | 6 Pages Communication technology is an ever growing market. Over the last ten years alone there has been an explosion of applications used to connect people with family and friends both in the same town and across the world. It has become next to impossible for the average individual in America to go one day without communicating via text, email, or through one of the many social media sites. The pervasive nature of communication technology and the level it has infiltrated people s lives is causingRead MoreThe Effects Of Technology On Communication1742 Words  | 7 Pageshelp of advancing technology keeping this type of communication going is not difficult (394). Although many believe that certain forms of technology can be detrimental to how we are able to commu nicate with others, it can be seen to have positive effects with most Americans. Technology has been seen to keep friends and family close, even if there is a physical distance. It has also decreased the gap between people of different backgrounds. Those who have difficulties using technology believe that itRead MoreThe Importance Of Communication794 Words  | 4 Pagesdoes technology really affect how alone we feel? Technology includes all keys to ensure we are occupied and never lonely. â€Å"Technology has provided us with even more creative ways to occupy our time†(L. DeLeo). These are continuous occupiers, such as; apps, articles, news, etc. Which help people all around the world to keep in touch with everyone and everything. Technology is good for us, as it entertains us in endless ways, provides communication towards peers/relationships over long distances, andRead MoreLong Distance Relationships1595 Words  | 7 PagesLong Distance Relationships – Modern Media LuvDaSun Res/110 August 18, 2010 Christopher Benedetti Abstract Long distance relationships are no longer a thing of the past. Modern technology has made it viable for partners to stay constantly in touch during a 24-hour period. A review of five peer-reviewed journals provides a variety of perspectives of long distance relationships. The articles focus on the positive and negative aspects of Long Distance Relationships. Weaknesses, strengths and differencesRead MoreSocial Media And Its Impact On Society Essay1691 Words  | 7 PagesThe evolution of social media has been a controversial issue over the years. Since its beginning, it has had a historical impact on everyday life by changing the way we talk and interact with one another. Social media represents both positive and adverse effects on society, but does one side tip the scale more than the other? Online social media surrounds almost everyone in the modern society, and its worldwide popularity has empowered all generations to be connected and actively participate inRead MoreRelations hips within Social Media Essay examples1916 Words  | 8 Pagesnow a technology buff, and they are ‘Face-stalking’ rather than communicating and the student is simply posting information on Facebook to see how many ‘likes’ they get on their post. This is a very possible scenario that is common-place within social media. Social media’s design was to keep people in contact with one another, and to help create deeper relationships. Sometimes social media can be helpful to the relationship, but more often than not, social media severs a real relationship. ThereRead MoreCommunication Is An Crucial Instrument For The Human. It1226 Words  | 5 Pagesto influence each other, and be able to function together, in groups and as a whole. It is important to the relationship. A relationship is how people interconnect with others. It forms during reciprocal message processing, which occurs when two or more people mutually take account of and adjust to each other’s verbal and nonverbal behavior (Ruben Stewart, 2016 P219). A simple relationship example would be on a crowded bus when people have to act with regard to some nonverbal sign, such as the presenceRead MoreEffects Of Online Social Networking On Society966 Words  | 4 Pagessociety has experienced dramatic change due to technological advances. Technology has become a vital part of our everyday lives that has greatly influenced the way we interact with each other and our environment. Through the development of social networking, it has easily kept us updated on what is going on around the world and in other people’s lives. Instead of face-to-face communication, the younger generation perceives social media to be a place to share emotional connections and stay connected withRead MoreRelationship Between Relationships And Relationships1471 Words  | 6 Pageseverything will last forever, but it will not. Friendships are unique relationships because unlike family relationships, we choose to enter into them. A friend is a person cable of loving regardless of whether he is being loved or not. Friendships can exist between same sex: man-man, woman-woman, or opposite sex: man-woman. It transcends age and could subsist between even an old man and small boy. Human beings also establish relationships with their pet such as cats, dogs, horses, doves, and even parrotsRead MoreHow Technology Has Improved Our Lives1530 Words  | 7 Pagesthis has changed dramatically as new technologies developed. The definition of Information technology in its broadest sense encompasses all aspects of computing technology. I.T â€Å"is concerned with issues related to advocating for users and meeting their needs within an organisational and societal context through selection, creation, application, integration and administration of computing technologies†(Lunt. Et al 2009). Although some still dispute that technology has improved our lives, or even argue
Thursday, May 14, 2020
World War II Capture of U-505 German Submarine
The capture of the German submarine U-505 took place off the coast of Africa on June 4, 1944 during World War II (1939-1945). Forced to surface by Allied warships, the crew of U-505 abandoned ship. Moving quickly, American sailors boarded the disabled submarine and successfully prevented it from sinking. Brought back to the United States, U-505 proved to be a valuable intelligence asset for the Allies. US Navy Captain Daniel V. GalleryUSS Guadalcanal (CVE-60)5 destroyer escorts Germany Oberleutnant Harald Lange1 Type IXC U-boat On the Lookout On May 15, 1944, antisubmarine task force TG 22.3, consisting of the escort carrier USS ​Guadalcanal (CVE-60) and the destroyer escorts USS ​Pillsbury, USS ​Pope, USS Chatelain, USS Jenks, and USS Flaherty, departed Norfolk for a patrol near the Canary Islands. Commanded by Captain Daniel V. Gallery, the task force was alerted to the presence of U-boats in the area by Allied cryptanalysts who had broken the German Enigma naval code. Arriving in their patrol area, Gallerys ships searched fruitlessly for two weeks using high-frequency direction finding and sailed as far south as Sierra Leone. On June 4, Gallery ordered TG 22.3 to turn north for Casablanca to refuel. Target Acquired At 11:09 AM, ten minutes after turning, Chatelain reported a sonar contact located 800 yards off its starboard bow. As the destroyer escort closed to investigate, Guadalcanal vectored in two of its airborne F4F Wildcat fighters. Passing over the contact at high speed, Chatelain was too close to drop depth charges and instead opened fire with its hedgehog battery (small projectiles that exploded on contact with a submarines hull). Confirming that that the target was a U-boat, Chatelain turned away to set up an attack run with its depth charges. Buzzing overhead, the Wildcats spotted the submerged submarine and opened fire to mark the location for the approaching warship. Surging forward, ​Chatelain bracketed the U-boat with a full spread of depth charges. Under Attack Aboard U-505, the submarines commander, Oberleutnant Harald Lange, attempted to maneuver to safety. As the depth charges detonated, the submarine lost power, had its rudder jammed to starboard, and had valves and gaskets break in the engine room. Seeing sprays of water, the engineering crew panicked and ran through the boat, yelling that the hull was breached and that U-505 was sinking. Believing his men, Lange saw few options other than to surface and abandon ship. As U-505 broke the surface, it was immediately peppered with fire from the American ships and aircraft. Ordering the boat to be scuttled, Lange and his men began to abandon ship. Eager to escape U-505, Langes men took to the boats before the scuttling process was complete. As a result, the submarine continued to circle at about seven knots as it slowly filled with water. While Chatelain and Jenks closed to rescue the survivors, Pillsbury launched a whaleboat with an eight-man boarding party led by Lieutenant (junior grade) Albert David. Capture of U-505 The use of boarding parties had been ordered by Gallery after a battle with U-515 in March, during which he believed the submarine could have been captured. Meeting with his officers in Norfolk after that cruise, plans were devised should similar circumstances again occur. As a result, vessels in TG 22.3 had crew members designated for service as boarding parties and were told to keep motor whaleboats ready for quick launches. Those assigned to boarding party duty were trained to disarm scuttling charges and close the necessary valves to prevent a submarine from sinking.  Nearing U-505, David led his men aboard and began gathering German code books and documents. As his men worked, Pillsbury twice attempted to pass tow lines to the stricken submarine but was forced to withdraw after U-505s bow planes pierced its hull. Aboard U-505, David realized that the submarine could be saved and ordered his party to begin plugging leaks, closing valves, and disconnecting demolition charges. When alerted to the submarines status, Gallery dispatched a boarding party from Guadalcanal, led by the carriers engineer, Commander Earl Trosino. Salvage A merchant marine chief engineer with Sunoco before the war, Trosino quickly put his expertise to use in salvaging U-505. After completing temporary repairs, U-505 took a tow line from Guadalcanal. To stem the flooding aboard the submarine, Trosino ordered that U-boats diesel engines be disconnected from the propellers. This allowed the propellers to spin as the submarine was towed which in turn charged U-505s batteries. With electric power restored, Trosino was able to use U-505s own pumps to clear vessel and restore its normal trim. With the situation aboard U-505 stabilized, Guadalcanal continued the tow. This was made more difficult due to U-505s jammed rudder. After three days, Guadalcanal transferred the tow to the fleet tug USS Abnaki. Turning west, TG 22.3 and their prize set course for Bermuda and arrived on June 19, 1944. U-505 remained at Bermuda, shrouded in secrecy, for the remainder of the war. Allied Worries The US Navys first capture of an enemy warship at sea since the War of 1812, the U-505 affair led to some concern among the Allied leadership. This was largely due to worries that if the Germans were to know that the ship had been captured they would become aware that the Allies had broken the Enigma codes. So great was this concern that Admiral Ernest J. King, the US Chief of Naval Operations, briefly considered court-martialing Captain Gallery. To protect this secret, the prisoners from U-505 were kept at a separate prison camp in Louisiana and the Germans informed that they had been killed in battle. Additionally, U-505 was repainted to look like an American submarine and redesignated USS Nemo. Aftermath In the fighting for U-505, one German sailor was killed and three wounded, including Lange. David was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for leading the initial boarding party, while Torpedomans Mate 3/c Arthur W. Knispel and Radioman 2/c Stanley E. Wdowiak received the Navy Cross. Trosino was given the Legion of Merit while Gallery was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal. For their actions in capturing U-505, TG 22.3 was presented with the Presidential Unit Citation and cited by Commander-in-Chief of the Atlantic Fleet, Admiral Royal Ingersoll. Following the war, the US Navy initially planned to dispose of U-505, however, it was rescued in 1946, and brought to Chicago for display at the Museum of Science Industry.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Genetically And Genetically Modified Food - 947 Words
As genetically modified food appeared into people’s consciousness, it had been at the center of vehement controversy. Because people lack information about genetically modified food’s potential influence, they wonder whether genetically modified food is a miracle or not. Genetically modified food can solve several problems. The potential effects of genetically modified food also should be measured. However, people should not assume that genetically modified food only has disadvantages, but understand the difference between genetically modified food and non-genetically modified food and know what genetically modified food might bring such as productiveness, nutrition and safety issues. Although people believe non-genetically modified food is more reliable, genetically modified food has some advantages. One of the most important of these advantages is that genetically modified food is cheap and productive. Genetically modified food can easily resist droughts, floods and diseases. It will make genetically modified food cheaper and more productive because the farmers can easily take care of their crops. According to Tangley (2000), the genetic engineers are developing the crops that can resist brutal environment in the laboratory. A researcher from Nigerian launched a project of cassava. He changed the genome of cassava to increase the resistance of diseases. The scientists also insert genes into crops to raise production and quality. Hence, genetically modified food can solveShow MoreRelatedGenetically And Genetically Modified Foods822 Words  | 4 PagesGenetically Modified Foods What is it that we are eating? GMO’s are unnatural. Is it healthy to eat something that doesn’t belong in our digestive system? GMO’s are genetically modified food. Genetically modified foods are created by taking genes from plants and animals and inserting into our food to alter the genetic engineering. In 1984, GMO’s were first introduced when a plant was modified from antibiotic resistant tobacco. In 1994, genetically modifying food was approved by the FDA and theRead MoreGenetically Foods : Genetically Modified Foods1239 Words  | 5 PagesGenetically Modified Foods â€Å"70 percent of our corn farmland and 93 percent of soy farmland are planted with crops genetically engineered to resist pests and herbicides and increase crop yields. 60% of all the processed foods in the United States are genetically modified; a shocking statistic has the concern of many Americans. However, most people are uninformed about the beneficial impact that genetically modified food has on their diet. GM is the use of molecular biology technology to modify theRead MoreGenetically And Genetically Modified Foods1979 Words  | 8 Pages Genetically modified organisms are plants and animals that have been biologically engineered with the DNA of other plants, animals, bacteria, etc. Such modifications and combinations cannot occur in nature through crossbreeding or by other organic means. While commonplace in the vast majority of our marketplace, the information and nature of genetically modified foods is not as common. Information is, in fact, available on these genetically modified products, but they have to be sought out. TheRead MoreGenetically And Genetically Modified Foods1858 Words  | 8 Pagesyour food comes can come with a big health hazard, yes even with fruits and vegetables. The reasoning for this is the upcoming biotechnology of Genetically Modified Foods. These modified foods are supposed to help with the up and coming population that should rise by 10 billion in 2050.Plus with all the technology coming in, it makes it easier for farmers to do their harvest a lot quicker, which means they have more time for family. Although many people believe the Genetically Modified Foods willRead MoreGenetically And Genetically Modified Foods1457 Words  | 6 Pageslike a healthy food to feed your family, but think again. That can of corn most likely contains traces of genetically modified proteins or DNA. These genetically modified foods were made to improve food, but some wonder if they are solving more problems than they cause. Genetically modified foods, or seeds, should not be produced because they cause vulnerability and disadvantage to populations, cause allergenic problems, and contaminate organic crops. Genetically modified foods are foods with differentRead MoreGenetically And Genetically Modified Foods1739 Words  | 7 Pagesabomination for mankind. I strongly agree. Genetically modified foods are defined as foods that are derived from organizations whose genetic material (DNA) has been modified in a way that does not occur naturally. For instance, this occurs through the introduction of a gene from a different organism into the desired organism. Since 1995, approximately 85 genetically modified foods have been approved in Canada. These include genetically modified foods that have been grown in Canada and imported fromRead MoreGenetically And Genetically Modified Food1095 Words  | 5 Pages Genetically modified organisms have been a contentious topic for the last several years. Decried as being chemically dangerous to the human body, potentially ruinous of worldwide agriculture, and harmful to the environment, GMOs have a rather contemptible reputation. Despite these denunciations, it is undeniable that both willful ignorance and outright misinformation have played a part in the public’s conception of genetically modified food. GMOs have undoubtedly been the victim of character assassinationRead MoreGenetically : Genetically Modified Food2356 Words  | 10 PagesSamuel Lubin Dr. Lambert 1102 May 7 2015 Genetically Modified Food What are genetically modified foods? They are plants and animals whose DNA has been altered or change to suit the needs of humans. There are three types of genetically modified food (GM) first generation, second generation, and third generation crops. Each type is focused in different types of yields and crops so they can have a system that allows to keep production and value up. To pick up, the first generation is a type of GMRead MoreGenetically And Genetically Modified Foods1510 Words  | 7 PagesGenetically modifying of crops is simply the alteration of an organism’s gene trait, primarily used to create a significantly more dominant plant, by instilling traits of one plant to another plant to help solve farmers ever growing challenges. These seeds are then referred to as GMO seeds or GM seeds. The value of producing seeds with genetically modified traits can be seen in today’s agricultural markets. Today, ninety percent of soybeans, sixty percent of corn and sixty percent of cotton grownRead MoreGenetically Modified Food : Genetically Food2134 Words  | 9 PagesGenetically Modified Food Imagine going to the grocery store and seeing a seedless watermelon, but it is not the typical oval, it is square. Down the produce aisle, there are sweet, juicy strawberries; however, there is a warning label that says, â€Å"Do not consume if you have a nut allergy.†The world today is moving forward in the way that society produces our wholefoods. Genetic engineering, bioengineering, or biotechnology is the process of inserting the genetics of different plants and organisms
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Dookie free essay sample
Punk rock makes a smashing comeback with Green Days breakthrough album,Dookie. Punk rock was thought to be dead at long last, but Green Day bringsnewfound interest in the punk scene. Punk rock was popular back in the late 70swhen kids were looking for a new type of music, a new type of rebellion toconservative societys Disco. Today critics might lump Green Day into thealternative scene but its just not the case. Green Day is a different kind ofband, a different kind of music. They like to categorize themselves with theSTPs, Pearl Jams and Nirvanas of the world but they are different. They are morein tune with the kids of the 90s. Most MTV viewers know songs likeLongview and Basket Case but there are many other good songs such as BurnOut, Welcome to Paradise, She, and When I Come Around. Green Day alsoperformed a free concert on September 9th at the Hatch Shell in Boston. We will write a custom essay sample on Dookie or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It was anexciting night of music and fun even a small riot couldnt spoil. I would highlyrecommend Green Days new album Dookie and if they come to your town, dontmiss them! .
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