Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The garden is an artistic recreation of nature Essay Example for Free
The garden is an artistic recreation of nature Essay There is a saying which goes, the garden is an artistic recreation of nature; a landscape painting in three dimensions. Gardens are considered as a serious art form that aims to create a balance, harmony, proportion and variety. It is distinctive by its symmetrical and controlled characteristics with the landscape beyond it considered as hazardous and hostile. As the 18th century, however, emerged, this view was changed as gardening turned towards its more â€Å"natural†style of planting. â€Å"Natural†gardens were first expressed by writers before it was attempted by garden designers. In Kirk Johnson’s article entitled English Landscape Gardens he said that this is not surprising since literature was more important in English culture than the visual arts. The essay of Sir William Temple entitled Upon the Gardens of Epicurus, which was written in 1685 and first published in 1692, praised what the author imagined as the Chinese Manner of garden style. This essay did not really caused the Europeans to imitate Chinese gardens but it helped them to open their minds to the possibility of creating gardens that differs from the formal tradition (Johnson, 1999). The Chinese imperial garden is basically built in two kinds of styles: first is a large park that is usually with a lake and islands; and the second, a small park which is more intimate because buildings are placed much closer with each other. These gardens are made to traditionally intend to depict the natural landscape of mountains and rivers. Viewed from within the garden, the Chinese design gardens as settings for everyday life. In these gardens, plants are treated in a naturalistic way and often included a water feature. One of the famous traditional Chinese imperial gardens is the Qianlong Garden situated at the Palace of Peace and Longevity in the Eastern section of the Former Imperial Palace which was constructed in the late 18th century in China during the reign of Emperor Qianlong What made this garden unique from other Chinese garden is that despite its limited space all the man-made sceneries built, played a role in beautifying the garden thus creating a harmonious whole. This garden features the famous Chinese rock formations which is the main feature that the Chinese was known for. This naturalistic view was the way that the Chinese depict their garden. Buildings where placed in this garden but due to the fact that there was a limited space of the building, the Chinese landscape designers worked on it in a more compact manner as it would not obliterate the naturalistic view of the landscape. The Kinning Lake which is almost three-fourths of the entire landscape forms part of the entire area of the Qianlong garden. This serpentine lake was transformed and beautified to depict the natural view and natural landscape that the Chinese landscape architects are known for. The English got their ideas of Chinese gardens essentially from the patterns on imported porcelain, lacquer work and silk where they got glimpses of gardens laid out without order or disposition. With these porcelains and other products, the inspiration and ideas was then set leading the new landscape architects to form works similar to the Chinese. The new style of gardening within the English landscape, pioneered by designers like William Kent, Lancelot (Capability) Brown and Humphrey Repton, swept away almost all the remnants of previous formally patterned styles. Looking at the masterpieces of these famous landscape designers, it is undeniable that the Chinese influence in gardening made its way to England during this period. One of the famous eighteenth century landscape garden created by Lancelot Brown is the Stowe Landscape Garden, where he had been the head gardener for ten years. This garden evolved from the traditional Baroque style to that which features the famous serpentine style of Brown. Similar to the Qianlong Garden of China where rocks are piled into hills and winding paths form a maze, Brown recreated a â€Å"Grecian Valley†that is an abstract composition of landform and woodland. This was an unusual composition as compared to the traditional English style that is based on symmetry and proportion. When Brown incorporated the maze form or winding paths, the traditional English style of gardens was revolutionized. The use of buildings in landscapes was the most seen influence by the Chinese. Since the English got their ideas merely on pictures rather than actual observations of Chinese gardens and the lack of detailed information, these garden buildings were quite misunderstood in Europe and tended to be over powering. The Chinese merely used garden buildings within relatively confined areas combining practicality with aesthetics. As buildings were added in the garden setting, some of the pleasing features of the Chinese architecture such as the parsols, pavilions, and bridges were adopted and mixed with the native English work. The Chinese parasols were also in fashion, these are small temples found mixed within the gardens. Later on, there were bridges that were constructed, since most Chinese influence includes small rivers, as they would depict a natural look, bridges were constructed as part of the general garden design. The Stowe Garden with its winding lake similar to the Qianlong Garden also has a bridge nestled in it as against the more traditional symmetry and with only fountains to incorporate water. Another Chinese influence to English garden is the use of Chinese ornamental details. These parsols or mini temples are incorporated on the serpentine lake which particularly depicts the Chinese influence. The more traditional style was then only benches and chairs, which is more likely symmetrical as against the naturalistic way because these mini temples serves as a place of relaxation since they are found near the lake. These are some of the things that the Chinese influenced the English gardens; however, they still do not fully depict the Chinese style but merely form part of the grand design. These ornamental details served to remind Europeans of the eighteenth century of the wondrous land of the East that during that time it was almost impossible to find any one of the larger European gardens that had not at least one Chinese pavilion. Chinese influence may be visible, but the main inspiration of these gardens came from old European paintings (Johnson, 1999). Be that as it may, there are still things that are incorporated in the English design that mainly depict the Chinese influence as part of the general inspiration. WORKS CITED: Gothien, Marie Louise. The English Landscape Garden: Chinese influence on English gardens. History of Garden Art. 1928. Johnson, Kirk. English Landscape Gardens. 9 July 1999. Retrieved from http://www. suite101. com/article. cfm/garden_design/21925/3 Shouyi, Chen. The Chinese Garden in Eighteenth Century England. Tien Hsia Monthly 2 (1936): 321-339. China: Love and Loathing Acquisition of Stuff; Devaluation of Culture. Influence of the Chinese
Monday, January 20, 2020
English as a Second Language Essay -- Education, Helen Dunkelblau, ESL
Helene Dunkelblau, an Assistant Professor of English as a Second Language at Queensborough Community College and author of â€Å"ESL Students Discover the Rewards of Reading through Reader Response Journals,†has experienced ESL students not only struggle to read but struggle to see themselves â€Å"as readers†(50). Dunkelblau has done the same first day introduction activity through many of her ESL classrooms, when the questions transition from those based on nationality to book interest â€Å"at least half of the students just shake their heads and ‘pass’†(51). Dunkelblau faces a challenge with ESL students encountered by English teachers in mainstream classrooms on a smaller scaleâ€â€helping students develop a love for reading. Finding a way to relate what students are reading to their lives helps to create relevance and a greater understanding; which leads Dunkelblau to her rational for using reader response journals in the ESL reading c lassroom. Throughout the course of the semester Dunkelblau requires reader response journals. She defines reader response journals as â€Å"informal literature logs in which students focus on their personal reaction to a story rather than on a strict literary analysis†(51), the informal structure of these responses appear to be a way to lessen readers’ stress while allowing for response. Due to the interactive nature of reading and the â€Å"theoretical framework which assumes that all reading involves transactions between reader and text†(51), readers who journal about what they read show a reflective ability important in the understanding of reading. Dunkelblau sees these reader response journals as a way for her students to find relevance in text to their lives. While the idea of reader response journals i... ...comes not only from having read all the words of the novel, but from really knowing, for themselves†(55) the excitement and knowledge gained from reading and understanding a novel. As a future high school English teacher I hope to bring the idea of reader response journals into my classroom. By seeing the effectiveness reflection and response has had in Dunkelblau’s ESL classrooms, I definitely observe the importance of the exercise in all aspects of English. Dunkelblau didn’t start something new; she simply shared the activity as a way to get students involved in the text so that reading and reading comprehension grows within the ESL classroom. Overall, Dunkelblau setup her classroom in a way she felt would be effective to her students, while other classrooms may be different it is interesting to see a classroom model that has been shown to be successful.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Breaking bad behaviour
Breaking-Bad Behavior Habits are things that people do good or bad repeatedly. People start their own habits, and they are very hard to break. Whether it is good or bad habits, it is something that the person has to choose to change. Breaking bad habits is one of the hardest thing to do. The reason behind the bad habits are we begin as enjoyable activities, which we want to repeat. This encourages us to do things again, and the activity becomes a habit.This habit can be any type of habit like cheating, smoking, and plagiarism. Now a days, you can find everywhere duplicate things all over the world. People steal the formula of the original product and made the same product by different name. This is one kind of cheating. This habit is not good. To stop all that thing we have to buy original and brand name thing which we know. This is the best way to stop this cheating, so this way we can make the company realize that they did wrong.To stop this thing company owner should not have to s how the formula of the product. This happen in college campus also. If some author wrote a book then the instructor of the other college add or remove some topic and published it as his own book. When we attend his/her class he/she told to prefer her own book. We have to look for other author's book and compare it with college edition so we can use the original book. Smoking is a bad habit. It causes a cancer. First the student started smoking as fun but after sometimes they are habituated with it.They cannot live without it. If you don't do smoke and if your friend does and when he offer a cigarette to you, you refuse to smoke, but he forced Misery 2 you to smoke then you defiantly do it and after a few days you will start smoking. So this thing commonly you can see in the schools and colleges. To get rid of these habit start eating chocolates, chewing gum etcetera. So you can divert your mind and after sometimes you will break your this habit. In the college instructor will give a project to the students.Student have to register their name to instructor which project they going to make. So during the class some decided what they have to make, but other cannot get the idea what they have to do. So during the talk they tried to know what other student is going to make. If they know what that other student is going to do then he meet to instructor and register his name with project name, which is actually that student's project. We are responsible for this that we don't know that person very well to whom we are talking and what he is thinking.It's he best way not to tell everything about work to other person, so we can keep our idea safe. Thus, to stop all these incidents of academic misconduct we have to look out for the original source and follow the laws in colleges and schools to keep students away from the bad habits. If you are habituated with bad habit and you want to overcome of it, first commit to stopping the behavior by creating a plan, and develop s elf-discipline, and self-awareness so that you can stay on track. Also choose the right approach to dealing with it and involves others in your efforts.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Prison Overcrowding - 2966 Words
â€Å"Prison Overcrowding: Using Proposals from Nevada and California to Recommend an Alternative Answer†By: Casey Apao For: Dr. Sarri CSN Fall 2010 Dedication: â€Å"I, the undersigned, Casey Apao hereby certify that without the assistance of Henry Apao this Critical Thinking Scientific Paper wouldn’t be done.†Signed , Casey Apao Disclaimer: â€Å"I, Casey Apao hereby certify that this Critical Thinking Scientific Paper is the result of my sole intellectual personal property.†Respectfully, December 04, 2010 Table of Contents Title Page 1 Dedication 2 Disclaimer 3 Table of Contents 4 Introduction 5 Thesis 5†¦show more content†¦It is no surprise that when operating at over capacity there will be health and mental problems to inmates. Nevada plans to attack this crisis with help from the State Supreme Court and law makers. Based on the numbers, tens of thousands inmates are in the Nevada penal system, but there are also undocumented aliens using up federal fund to cloth, feed and house them. One thousand of those inmates are illegal immigrants (Humbert). A new plan by a Nevada justice will ease overcrowding, his answer: sending illegal immigrants home (Humbert). Justice James Hardesty explains that non violent offenders normally serve their sentence and then are turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (I.C.E.) (Humbert). But his plan is to end that time served and send them home right away to speed up the deportation process, a process that could save millions by getting illegal immigrants out of Nevada’s prisons and into I.C.E. custody (Humbert). Estimated figures suggest that it cost nearly $50 dollars per day for each inmate in NDOC (Humbert). By deporting illegal immigrants back to their countries the State can effectively slow down the prison population boom, but more is needed to combat the problem. Nevada also has an Assembly Bill in its arsenal to fight overcrowding. Assembly Bill 510 (AB510) is a measure aimed at reducing the inmate population across the board, except for people in prison for life with out parole (Bellisle). AB 510 would release a much as 1,600Show MoreRelatedPrison Overcrowding1187 Words  | 5 PagesAbstract This paper will discuss prison overcrowding and what type of numbers have come about over the years when it comes to inmates being imprisoned. It will discuss the cost of a prisoner annually as well as the decision to add verses build when it comes to new facilities. The overcrowding in one particular prison will be touched on as well as whose responsibility it is for upkeep. 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