Thursday, August 27, 2020
Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Relationship of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Presentation The Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) was established in 1967 by Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand with the marking of the ASEAN Declaration in Bangkok. ASEANs goals were to quicken the financial development, social advancement and social improvement in the district. To advance provincial harmony and security, dynamic cooperation and shared help on issues of basic enthusiasm for the financial, social, social, specialized, logical and regulatory fields. ASEAN was consequently extended throughout the years to incorporate Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia making up the ten part conditions of ASEAN today. Regardless of the extension, the destinations and working standards of ASEAN have stayed unaltered consistently. The ASEAN method of casual systems administration had been compelling in making a firm, tranquil and monetarily fruitful ASEAN alliance. This article will address the topic of ASEANs pertinence to steadiness, security and flourishing of Southeast Asia in three sections. To begin with, the exposition will endeavor to inspect the force adjusting job of US in Southeast Asia. Also, the article will examine the conditions under which ASEAN was made to outline how ASEANs goals are lined up with strength, security and success of Southeast Asia. In conclusion, this article will investigate in more profundity how ASEAN stays basic to the soundness, security and thriving of Southeast Asia. The paper will at that point finish up why the understanding of MM Lees words isn't exact in flow setting and why ASEAN isn't simply an enhancement to the force adjusting pretended by the US. Force Balancing Role of US in Southeast Asia The vital nearness of US in Southeast Asia has not forestalled USs partners and accomplices in the district from low-force clashes and non-conventional dangers. For instance, there is as yet a high occurrence pace of robbery exercises in the Malacca waterways, Singapore waterways and South China Sea. The vital nearness of the US has additionally not given any security to the states in Southeast Asia from the assault by fear based oppressor gatherings. Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia had all succumbed to fear based oppressor shelling, not once, yet on a few events. The assaults may even be activated by the nearby ties among US and the states in Southeast Asia. The psychological oppressor would have see the states as being star US along these lines turned into an objective for the fear monger gatherings. The third Indochina War was authoritatively wrapped up with the October 1991 understandings at the Paris Conference (PICC). With the breakdown of the Soviet Union, the provincial job of the US is done being molded by the American Cold War objectives in Southeast Asia. Impulses for the Founding of ASEAN Most Southeast Asian states, less Thailand, achieved political autonomy following quite a while of outside mastery and colonization after the finish of World War II. All things considered, country building was the essential focal point of ASEAN during its initial long stretches of development. Moreover, framing a local association could fill the force vacuum left by the significant forces, which utilized the area for intermediary wars and significant force contention. ASEAN gave a stage to the recently free states to amass in their country building and financial turn of events. ASEAN was in this way framed to make a quiet and stable condition for country building and development among the Southeast Asian states. Regardless of the desire for harmony and soundness, the world during the 1960s period was entangled in the war against socialism. Socialist danger to existing governments around then was serious. The area was overpowered with socialist uprisings and there were approaching peril of socialism spreading across Southeast Asia. Monetary development, a way to forestall the spread of socialism was in this way another significant target for the arrangement of ASEAN. Albeit Southeast Asia confronted a shared adversary, doubts and doubt brought about by Konfrontasi, the Malaysia-Indonesia Confrontation was pervasive among the part states. With the change in political administration in Indonesia in 1966 with Suhartos substitution of Sukarno as Indonesias President, this spells the finish of Sukarno system and the finish of Konfrontasi. It was likewise the start of Suhartos New Order system and Good Neighbor strategy. So as to accomplish harmony and solidness in the area, it was critical to initially reestablish certainty and console Southeast Asia of Indonesias tranquil goals. Thus, ASEAN was framed under the guideline of non-impedance in every others local issues to make an open minded condition for individuals to connect with without doubt and questions. Given the above conditions, ASEAN was shaped with the destinations to advance provincial harmony and dependability, co-activity, monetary turn of events, and creating social and social advancement. Protection game plan, for example, SEATO was intentionally kept away from to forestall being viewed as excessively expert Western and inciting to Vietnam. ASEANs Achievements It has been four decades since ASEAN was established. The accomplishments of ASEAN can't be made light of, for the way that ASEAN is the unparalleled changeless territorial relationship in Asia. Strength of Southeast Asia ASEAN had given the system to local dependability. The ASEAN Way of doing things had demonstrated its quality dependent on how far ASEAN have came since its establishing. The particular highlights of ASEAN Way are: casual procedure of collaboration, casualness, calm strategy, exchange and meeting, patience, adaptable accord, most minimized shared variable accentuation, struggle evasion. They likewise regard every others National sway, regional trustworthiness, non-utilization of power and so on standard Intl Relations standards. Their method of activities is process-orientated and organize based model of co-activity that stays away from bureaucratic plans. The Treaty of Amity and Co-activity in Southeast Asia (TAC) was marked by the part conditions of ASEAN in Feb 1976. The reason for this Treaty is to advance ceaseless harmony, everlasting friendship and co-activity among their people groups which would add to their quality, solidarity and closer relationship. This bargain has seen a developing number of nations outside Southeast Asia tolerating it. In 2004, four additional nations agreed to the settlement, to be specific, Japan, Pakistan, Republic of Korea and Russia. The ASEAN Social and Cultural Community (ASCC) was structure to accomplish a socially firm and caring ASEAN. It is proposed to cultivate co-activity in tending to a get sack of social and social issues related with provincial neediness, populace development, joblessness, HR improvement, training, condition, and wellbeing. A case of the degree of co-activity the part states have can be found in the episode of SARs flare-up in Asia. ASEAN has been proactive in trying to contain irresistible ailments, which know no fringe. During the episode, an uncommon ASEAN Leaders Meeting in Bangkok was brought in Apr 2003; the ASEAN heads of government commanded an extensive provincial reaction to the danger presented by the malady, the spread of which was unleashing devastation on their economies. In spite of the fact that the genuine activity of battling the spread of the malady tumbled to the general wellbeing authorities of the states, the coordination of apportions was conveyed at the wellbeing priest level of the ASEAN +3. Another model is the Singapore-Malaysia disagreement about Pedra Branca islands. The two nations made a case for the Pedra Branca islands in spite of the fact that Singapore had been the overseer of the Horsburg Lighthouse arranged on the island all through the only remaining century. The debate couldn't be settled inside ASEAN; be that as it may, both Singapore and Malaysia had consented to carry it to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in 2007. This debate reached a conclusion with the ICJ administering power of Pedra Branca to Singapore and that of Middle Rocks to Malaysia. ASEAN likewise figure out how to determine the Cambodian emergency during the 1980s through the ASEAN-Post Ministerial Conference (ASEAN-PMC) which accepted its ebb and flow structure when the US, Canada and Japan participated in 1978. Security of Southeast Asia TheZone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality (ZOPFAN)declaration was marked in 1971 by the Foreign Ministers of theASEANmember states (Indonesia,Malaysia, thePhilippines,SingaporeandThailand). In the presentation, the gatherings freely expressed their aim to keepSouth East Asiafree from any structure or way of obstruction by outside Powers and widen the regions of co-activity. The ASEAN Regional Forum was framed in 1994 with the goal of advancing harmony and security through discourse and co-activity in the Asia Pacific. It is significant that ARF keep on assuming its job in the political and security exchange just as certainty building. TheSoutheast AsianNuclear-Weapon-Free ZoneTreaty(SEANWFZ) of 1995, orBangkok Treaty, is anuclear weapons ban settlement between 10 Asian part states under the sponsorship of theASEAN. It went into power on March 28, 1997 and obliges its individuals not to create, fabricate or in any case gain, have or have authority over atomic weapon. This is critical to both certainty working in Southeast Asia and to overall atomic demilitarization. Vietnam has joined ASEAN in 1995 and the ARF, and the long past due standardization of relations between the US and Vietnam has at last occurred, affected by ASEAN. The Vientiane Action Program (VAP) embraced at the tenth ASEAN Summit contained a few measures to direct ASEANs exertion in countering fear based oppression from 2005 2010. These measures structure the preliminary strides to the foundation of an ASEAN Extradition Treaty as imagined by the ASEAN Security Community (ASC) Plan of Action. Success of Southeast Asia One of the fundamental destinations of ASEAN is to improve monetary turn of events. ASEAN has since haggled for Free-Trade Agreements (FTA) with different discourse accomplices of ASEAN. The FTAs were set up with Australi
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Where Did Contemporary Liberal Feminism Come From †Womens Studies Essay
Where Did Contemporary Liberal Feminism Come From †Womens Studies Essay Free Online Research Papers Where Did Contemporary Liberal Feminism Come From Womens Studies Essay The orderly abuse of ladies, an unsaid social authoritative opinion intrinsic throughout the entire existence of western idea, was dependant upon the proceeded with polarization of two defining circles; one of ladies, who were directed to the â€Å"private†circle of the home and family and furthermore, the common, â€Å"social†patriarch which ruled over it. The division of human public activity into open and private domains, and the downgrade of ladies into the last mentioned, is a chief wellspring of women’s burdened cultural position. Then again, backers of the tenet of isolated circles consider the open space to be where the significant business of society is led, while its unimportant and insignificant delights are appreciated inside the private circle. Consequently, the belief system of holiness and household ecstasy, which envelops the domain relegated to ladies, attempted to cover and overlook male dictatorship in the home. It is that equivalent philosophy which hindered ladies from going into the workforce and getting beneficial, serious members in the conventional work advertise. Therefore, this male strength was strengthened by the idea of creation in industrialized social orders; be that as it may, the limits among private and open areas are not as unbending as its polarity appears to involve. They fluctuate truly and geologically, demonstrative of Canada’s social and social definition. The work required inside the development of new settlements, wherein the family fills in as both a social and financial unit, obscured the division between general society and private circles, both inside the homes and inside the brains of its occupants. Dark ladies explicitly would in general work outside the home, because of a result of prejudice, as their spouses couldn't bring in enough cash to help the family. Notwithstanding a reprieve of women’s dynamic contribution over the span of the mid twentieth century, their accomplishments far surpassed what the suffragists had once imagined. In any case, during the 1950s and 1960s women’s local commitments, just as their mental self portraits, remained basi cally the equivalent while their exercises adjusted essentially. Not just had they held their obligations regarding their families, at the same time their support in the paid work power had expanded. To a limited extent to this the women’s development of the 1960s increased another force towards social change, one which concentrated more on the pulverization of the male centric principle instead of its confirmation. Combined with the adjustment of the women's activist principle, the Canadian women’s development of the 1960s brought about expanded administrative portrayal and a reconfiguration of the relational intricacy. During the 1960s, nobody expected the women’s development to reappear. Because of their financial and political strength inside a prosperous after war Canada, ladies saw any residual problems they had as impermanent hindrances. Ladies were progressively getting the training expected to guarantee better-paying work. Thus, popular assessment in regards on their right side to work and to achieve equivalent compensation, which had been lawfully ensured since 1950, started to increment; even in Quebec ladies had been emancipated for just about an age. Despite the fact that there were as yet scarcely any ladies in the government Parliament, the convention of having one lady in the bureau seemed secure, while nearby lawmakers like Ottawa Mayor Charlotte Whitton kept on being profoundly noticeable and vocal-regularly protesting a specific worry for the status of ladies. When the women’s freedom development originally picked up media consideration late in the decade, first in Fr ance and afterward the United States, it was â€Å"part of an understudy development radicalized by bigotry and dominion ladies were to be ‘liberated,’ like minorities and pioneer dependencies†. (80) This rebirth of woman's rights was only deciphered as another, generally unimportant piece of a time of activism. In Canada, center despite everything stayed around the tricky conceptualization of a bound together semantic social country. The subject of national solidarity underscored a considerable lot of the government commonplace gatherings and imperial commissions. Henceforth, the understudy revolt was â€Å"late and quieted and, similar to it, the ‘new’ women’s development was viewed as an American import†. (80) Despite this, there was general shock when women's liberation demonstrated ready to tap huge discontent among even the most special of ladies. Two sorts of complaints underlined the women’s development during the 1960s. Initial, an old set, arranged by its women's activist philosophies in prior periods, which identified with the regions where ladies were viewed as fundamentally equivalent to men yet were dealt with â€Å"in an alternate, disadvantageous way, as a result avoided from men’s rights and privileges†. Thus, where the boundaries were formally down and ladies had the option to partake in ‘male’ spearheaded exercises, they did it without getting the remunerations men generally expected. Women's activists were to distinguish the supporting of this build through the idea of the ‘glass ceiling’: they could work for pay be that as it may, it would be not exactly their male partners got and thus, it turned out to be improbable for them to get effective through their own accomplishments. The second, new arrangement of complaints identified with women’s explicit charact eristics and â€Å"characteristics that they had esteemed and thought society had acknowledged insufficiently†. The individuals who had prevailing with regards to open life found that their activities were being administered by a tyrannical man centric develop. Subsequently, ladies needed to shroud their female characteristics, disregard or cover their private lives, â€Å"and get familiar with the â€Å"conflictual games [that their] mother never educated [them]†. Be that as it may, ladies needed to stay diverse without being oppressed. Or maybe, they needed acknowledgment for their significant characteristics, alongside security from their vulnerabilities in a male-commanded world. Women’s conditions comparable to the mix of residential obligations and paid work solidified the old and the new requests: â€Å"they were not made up for their ‘double shift’ of paid and unpaid work, they were not ensured against savagery in or out of the home, and t heir socially important undertakings of open and private nurturance were unrecognized.†These conditions made individual disappointments which, in spite of being felt by the individual, kept on being to a great extent unvoiced. In the group, the subsequent complaints involved a progressively lucky societyin which ladies were treated as equivalent yet in addition one in which open life had experienced changes because of women’s dynamic job inside it. A general public wherein â€Å"women were similarly powerful would be one that paid attention to women’s inclinations and experience, and that was changed by the result†. The crucial states of Canadian ladies were shared by ladies all through the industrialized world. This is demonstrative of why the revolt of the ladies understudies didn't in actuality die down in the mid 1970s like the exercises of the male-overwhelmed associations from which they confined. Additionally, Canada’s recently obvious women 's activist activism acquired the present circumstance, yet the objectives of its ancestor gatherings. This happened to some degree because of the endurance of these constituent gatherings and their job in developing a ‘second wave’ of women's liberation. Be that as it may, this manifestation was not a ‘rebirth of feminism’. Women's activist and women’s bunches had not dispersed at the triumphant finish of the testimonial crusades. Or maybe, all through the twentieth century, women’s developments moved â€Å"with their standard vitality to utilize the new instruments of impact for which they had battled so hard†. After emancipation, in spite of being occupied with less thought battles and having less introduction, women’s exercises never stopped. Thusly, during the 1960s, with the rise of new groups, the pace revived and their perceivability expanded. Contemporary woman's rights, a manifestation of the understudy and social liberties developments of radical dissent during the 1960s, was a dynamic, advancing, politically drew in development. It was instrumental in affecting basic change in social practices and establishments. Woman's rights is â€Å"a hypothetical venture whose designs are to comprehend the abusive social practices that drawback ladies and to ponder women’s possibilities†. Thus, its radicalism is intelligent of the way that it comes to qualification at purposes of basic change. It both â€Å"abets this change and conceives it with a creative mind that goes past it†. Subsequently, there is a nearby association between women's activist practice, which focuses its exertion on changing social and material conditions, and women's activist hypothesis, which reaches out of that training and informs it. Hypothesis is â€Å"constantly changed by what it ends up being successful by and by, and practice is formed by theory†. Subsequently, any partition among hypothesis and practice empowers the procedure of similar investigation. Therefore, this record of moving women's activist hypotheses inside a Canadian setting is planned to depict the hypothetical system in which the women's activist way of thinking has developed in Canadian culture. Women's activist scholars start from the acknowledgment that, with regards to a male centric culture, people live various lives and subsequently, have various encounters. There is an endeavor to comprehend the force and benefit differential displayed among people. By examining its origi
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Design Tips and Tricks Inspiration How to Design Your Blog
Blog Design Tips and Tricks Inspiration How to Design Your Blog .elementor-19992 .elementor-element.elementor-element-19992{text-align:center}Last Updated on February 21, 2020Whenever Im starting a blog, I do my best to make it look more appealing and professional for my visitors But why?Well, people will take you WAY more seriously when you have a nicely designed blog. However, I never want to spend much money on it. Keeping costs as low as possible is one of my key values. Disclosure As an independent review site, we get compensated if you purchase through the referral links or coupon codes on this page â€" at no additional cost to you. Dismiss alert Typically, when you meet a designer and tell him/her to do a new design for you, he/she will most likely charge you more than $1000. And the end result will probably be much different from what you expected.When you are like me, dont have time and motivation to learn to code or have no designing tools and skills, follow these tips:On Finding ImagesFor images, go to Its a cool marketpla ce that offers ANYTHING for $5. And the good thing is that there are loads of really good designers who can make good looking images, headers, and logos for your blog and they will put to shame the sites that supply free images for blogs. It seems like a good deal, right? True.Another great marketplace is called ThemeForest. Its a go-to place to hunt new themes and design elements that are affordable and professional.On Getting Design IdeasTo get some ideas for designing your blog, go to or just Google for 100 great blog design examples.Check some of the blogs you like and jot down all the things you would like to add/change on your blog. If you really like some of the blogs you see, save the link. Join the FREE TrainingDo You Want To Learn How To Build 6 Figures Authority Sites?Join This Free Training To...Finally have a proven method to finding profitable nichesGet access to a foolproof keyword research methodLearn how to outsource quality contentLe arn how to build white hat links to your site without headaches On Briefing the DeveloperThe next step requires some budget, but dont worry. If you dont have motivation or money to invest in your blogs design, you can also lurk around the free themes or learn some of the basic WordPress coding.Heres what I usually do: I look for a WordPress developer and tell him/her EXACTLY what I want for my blog. In that way you will save a lot of time money and the result will be much better.A) Tell the developer what you would like to change/add to your blogB) Show some good examples from similar blogs you likeC) Tell what colors and fonts you would like to useIf you complete steps A to C, you will most likely not have to pay more than $200. On the other hand, if you want the developer to build a customized design from ZERO, you will have to spend approx. $1000, if not more.Finding a great developer can be a headache and you should quiz them on search engine optimization blog basics to make sure they dont make a mess. If you put some time into it, you will find an affordable as well as professional developer/designer for your blog. Keep in mind that you always check their background and previous work!
Monday, May 25, 2020
Technology, Social Media, And Their Affect On...
With recent advancements in technology (e-mail, phone, text, social media, and video conference), couples can manage and maintain their relationship with a simple touch of a button. Foremost, communication through technology is important to couples involved in long-distance relationships (LDRs), as the demand for relational development requires constant attention. The term â€Å"long-distance relationship†can often carry a negative association for those seeking love. There is a perception that geographical distance will prevent a strong and happy relationship from developing; however, it does not deter all couples from staying together. LDRs are identified by several factors, including: distance, the length of a relationship, and time living†¦show more content†¦Personally, I enjoy living with my husband and being with him every day. If there were a situation where he had to relocate for any reason, I would go with him. Therefore, this review of literature investigates how couples manage their LDRs from a distance. Furthermore, while aiming to explore the role computer-mediated communication (CMC) plays in their success. According to Maguire (2007), uncertainty about the future, especially with LDRs, can cause stress and dissatisfaction among partners. This study explores LDRs through â€Å"a five-point Likert-type scale (1 = not at all helpful; 5 = very helpful)†(p. 421), measuring two different theories: uncertainty reduction theory (URT) and uncertainty management theory (UMT). In Berger and Calabrese’s (1975) study (as cited in Maguire, 2007, p. 416) â€Å"Increased verbal communication, seeking information from others, and monitoring of behavior are some of the strategies individuals use to reduce their uncertainty in their relationships.†UMT defines how the individual manages their relationship according to their perception of the outcome. For example, if the individual perceives the relationship is working, they will continue to manage it as such. If the relationship is dwindling, the individual will withdrawal from the relationship (as a defense mechanism) until the rel ationship ends. To test these theories, Maguire (2007) conducted her study at a large university (name of university undisclosed in the article) usingShow MoreRelatedThe Pros And Cons Of Communication Technology1354 Words  | 6 Pages Communication technology is an ever growing market. Over the last ten years alone there has been an explosion of applications used to connect people with family and friends both in the same town and across the world. It has become next to impossible for the average individual in America to go one day without communicating via text, email, or through one of the many social media sites. 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Human beings also establish relationships with their pet such as cats, dogs, horses, doves, and even parrotsRead MoreHow Technology Has Improved Our Lives1530 Words  | 7 Pagesthis has changed dramatically as new technologies developed. The definition of Information technology in its broadest sense encompasses all aspects of computing technology. I.T â€Å"is concerned with issues related to advocating for users and meeting their needs within an organisational and societal context through selection, creation, application, integration and administration of computing technologies†(Lunt. Et al 2009). Although some still dispute that technology has improved our lives, or even argue
Thursday, May 14, 2020
World War II Capture of U-505 German Submarine
The capture of the German submarine U-505 took place off the coast of Africa on June 4, 1944 during World War II (1939-1945). Forced to surface by Allied warships, the crew of U-505 abandoned ship. Moving quickly, American sailors boarded the disabled submarine and successfully prevented it from sinking. Brought back to the United States, U-505 proved to be a valuable intelligence asset for the Allies. US Navy Captain Daniel V. GalleryUSS Guadalcanal (CVE-60)5 destroyer escorts Germany Oberleutnant Harald Lange1 Type IXC U-boat On the Lookout On May 15, 1944, antisubmarine task force TG 22.3, consisting of the escort carrier USS ​Guadalcanal (CVE-60) and the destroyer escorts USS ​Pillsbury, USS ​Pope, USS Chatelain, USS Jenks, and USS Flaherty, departed Norfolk for a patrol near the Canary Islands. Commanded by Captain Daniel V. Gallery, the task force was alerted to the presence of U-boats in the area by Allied cryptanalysts who had broken the German Enigma naval code. Arriving in their patrol area, Gallerys ships searched fruitlessly for two weeks using high-frequency direction finding and sailed as far south as Sierra Leone. On June 4, Gallery ordered TG 22.3 to turn north for Casablanca to refuel. Target Acquired At 11:09 AM, ten minutes after turning, Chatelain reported a sonar contact located 800 yards off its starboard bow. As the destroyer escort closed to investigate, Guadalcanal vectored in two of its airborne F4F Wildcat fighters. Passing over the contact at high speed, Chatelain was too close to drop depth charges and instead opened fire with its hedgehog battery (small projectiles that exploded on contact with a submarines hull). Confirming that that the target was a U-boat, Chatelain turned away to set up an attack run with its depth charges. Buzzing overhead, the Wildcats spotted the submerged submarine and opened fire to mark the location for the approaching warship. Surging forward, ​Chatelain bracketed the U-boat with a full spread of depth charges. Under Attack Aboard U-505, the submarines commander, Oberleutnant Harald Lange, attempted to maneuver to safety. As the depth charges detonated, the submarine lost power, had its rudder jammed to starboard, and had valves and gaskets break in the engine room. Seeing sprays of water, the engineering crew panicked and ran through the boat, yelling that the hull was breached and that U-505 was sinking. Believing his men, Lange saw few options other than to surface and abandon ship. As U-505 broke the surface, it was immediately peppered with fire from the American ships and aircraft. Ordering the boat to be scuttled, Lange and his men began to abandon ship. Eager to escape U-505, Langes men took to the boats before the scuttling process was complete. As a result, the submarine continued to circle at about seven knots as it slowly filled with water. While Chatelain and Jenks closed to rescue the survivors, Pillsbury launched a whaleboat with an eight-man boarding party led by Lieutenant (junior grade) Albert David. Capture of U-505 The use of boarding parties had been ordered by Gallery after a battle with U-515 in March, during which he believed the submarine could have been captured. Meeting with his officers in Norfolk after that cruise, plans were devised should similar circumstances again occur. As a result, vessels in TG 22.3 had crew members designated for service as boarding parties and were told to keep motor whaleboats ready for quick launches. Those assigned to boarding party duty were trained to disarm scuttling charges and close the necessary valves to prevent a submarine from sinking.  Nearing U-505, David led his men aboard and began gathering German code books and documents. As his men worked, Pillsbury twice attempted to pass tow lines to the stricken submarine but was forced to withdraw after U-505s bow planes pierced its hull. Aboard U-505, David realized that the submarine could be saved and ordered his party to begin plugging leaks, closing valves, and disconnecting demolition charges. When alerted to the submarines status, Gallery dispatched a boarding party from Guadalcanal, led by the carriers engineer, Commander Earl Trosino. Salvage A merchant marine chief engineer with Sunoco before the war, Trosino quickly put his expertise to use in salvaging U-505. After completing temporary repairs, U-505 took a tow line from Guadalcanal. To stem the flooding aboard the submarine, Trosino ordered that U-boats diesel engines be disconnected from the propellers. This allowed the propellers to spin as the submarine was towed which in turn charged U-505s batteries. With electric power restored, Trosino was able to use U-505s own pumps to clear vessel and restore its normal trim. With the situation aboard U-505 stabilized, Guadalcanal continued the tow. This was made more difficult due to U-505s jammed rudder. After three days, Guadalcanal transferred the tow to the fleet tug USS Abnaki. Turning west, TG 22.3 and their prize set course for Bermuda and arrived on June 19, 1944. U-505 remained at Bermuda, shrouded in secrecy, for the remainder of the war. Allied Worries The US Navys first capture of an enemy warship at sea since the War of 1812, the U-505 affair led to some concern among the Allied leadership. This was largely due to worries that if the Germans were to know that the ship had been captured they would become aware that the Allies had broken the Enigma codes. So great was this concern that Admiral Ernest J. King, the US Chief of Naval Operations, briefly considered court-martialing Captain Gallery. To protect this secret, the prisoners from U-505 were kept at a separate prison camp in Louisiana and the Germans informed that they had been killed in battle. Additionally, U-505 was repainted to look like an American submarine and redesignated USS Nemo. Aftermath In the fighting for U-505, one German sailor was killed and three wounded, including Lange. David was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for leading the initial boarding party, while Torpedomans Mate 3/c Arthur W. Knispel and Radioman 2/c Stanley E. Wdowiak received the Navy Cross. Trosino was given the Legion of Merit while Gallery was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal. For their actions in capturing U-505, TG 22.3 was presented with the Presidential Unit Citation and cited by Commander-in-Chief of the Atlantic Fleet, Admiral Royal Ingersoll. Following the war, the US Navy initially planned to dispose of U-505, however, it was rescued in 1946, and brought to Chicago for display at the Museum of Science Industry.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Genetically And Genetically Modified Food - 947 Words
As genetically modified food appeared into people’s consciousness, it had been at the center of vehement controversy. Because people lack information about genetically modified food’s potential influence, they wonder whether genetically modified food is a miracle or not. Genetically modified food can solve several problems. The potential effects of genetically modified food also should be measured. However, people should not assume that genetically modified food only has disadvantages, but understand the difference between genetically modified food and non-genetically modified food and know what genetically modified food might bring such as productiveness, nutrition and safety issues. Although people believe non-genetically modified food is more reliable, genetically modified food has some advantages. One of the most important of these advantages is that genetically modified food is cheap and productive. Genetically modified food can easily resist droughts, floods and diseases. It will make genetically modified food cheaper and more productive because the farmers can easily take care of their crops. According to Tangley (2000), the genetic engineers are developing the crops that can resist brutal environment in the laboratory. A researcher from Nigerian launched a project of cassava. He changed the genome of cassava to increase the resistance of diseases. The scientists also insert genes into crops to raise production and quality. Hence, genetically modified food can solveShow MoreRelatedGenetically And Genetically Modified Foods822 Words  | 4 PagesGenetically Modified Foods What is it that we are eating? GMO’s are unnatural. Is it healthy to eat something that doesn’t belong in our digestive system? GMO’s are genetically modified food. Genetically modified foods are created by taking genes from plants and animals and inserting into our food to alter the genetic engineering. In 1984, GMO’s were first introduced when a plant was modified from antibiotic resistant tobacco. In 1994, genetically modifying food was approved by the FDA and theRead MoreGenetically Foods : Genetically Modified Foods1239 Words  | 5 PagesGenetically Modified Foods â€Å"70 percent of our corn farmland and 93 percent of soy farmland are planted with crops genetically engineered to resist pests and herbicides and increase crop yields. 60% of all the processed foods in the United States are genetically modified; a shocking statistic has the concern of many Americans. However, most people are uninformed about the beneficial impact that genetically modified food has on their diet. GM is the use of molecular biology technology to modify theRead MoreGenetically And Genetically Modified Foods1979 Words  | 8 Pages Genetically modified organisms are plants and animals that have been biologically engineered with the DNA of other plants, animals, bacteria, etc. Such modifications and combinations cannot occur in nature through crossbreeding or by other organic means. While commonplace in the vast majority of our marketplace, the information and nature of genetically modified foods is not as common. Information is, in fact, available on these genetically modified products, but they have to be sought out. TheRead MoreGenetically And Genetically Modified Foods1858 Words  | 8 Pagesyour food comes can come with a big health hazard, yes even with fruits and vegetables. The reasoning for this is the upcoming biotechnology of Genetically Modified Foods. These modified foods are supposed to help with the up and coming population that should rise by 10 billion in 2050.Plus with all the technology coming in, it makes it easier for farmers to do their harvest a lot quicker, which means they have more time for family. Although many people believe the Genetically Modified Foods willRead MoreGenetically And Genetically Modified Foods1457 Words  | 6 Pageslike a healthy food to feed your family, but think again. That can of corn most likely contains traces of genetically modified proteins or DNA. These genetically modified foods were made to improve food, but some wonder if they are solving more problems than they cause. Genetically modified foods, or seeds, should not be produced because they cause vulnerability and disadvantage to populations, cause allergenic problems, and contaminate organic crops. Genetically modified foods are foods with differentRead MoreGenetically And Genetically Modified Foods1739 Words  | 7 Pagesabomination for mankind. I strongly agree. Genetically modified foods are defined as foods that are derived from organizations whose genetic material (DNA) has been modified in a way that does not occur naturally. For instance, this occurs through the introduction of a gene from a different organism into the desired organism. Since 1995, approximately 85 genetically modified foods have been approved in Canada. These include genetically modified foods that have been grown in Canada and imported fromRead MoreGenetically And Genetically Modified Food1095 Words  | 5 Pages Genetically modified organisms have been a contentious topic for the last several years. Decried as being chemically dangerous to the human body, potentially ruinous of worldwide agriculture, and harmful to the environment, GMOs have a rather contemptible reputation. Despite these denunciations, it is undeniable that both willful ignorance and outright misinformation have played a part in the public’s conception of genetically modified food. GMOs have undoubtedly been the victim of character assassinationRead MoreGenetically : Genetically Modified Food2356 Words  | 10 PagesSamuel Lubin Dr. Lambert 1102 May 7 2015 Genetically Modified Food What are genetically modified foods? They are plants and animals whose DNA has been altered or change to suit the needs of humans. There are three types of genetically modified food (GM) first generation, second generation, and third generation crops. Each type is focused in different types of yields and crops so they can have a system that allows to keep production and value up. To pick up, the first generation is a type of GMRead MoreGenetically And Genetically Modified Foods1510 Words  | 7 PagesGenetically modifying of crops is simply the alteration of an organism’s gene trait, primarily used to create a significantly more dominant plant, by instilling traits of one plant to another plant to help solve farmers ever growing challenges. These seeds are then referred to as GMO seeds or GM seeds. The value of producing seeds with genetically modified traits can be seen in today’s agricultural markets. Today, ninety percent of soybeans, sixty percent of corn and sixty percent of cotton grownRead MoreGenetically Modified Food : Genetically Food2134 Words  | 9 PagesGenetically Modified Food Imagine going to the grocery store and seeing a seedless watermelon, but it is not the typical oval, it is square. Down the produce aisle, there are sweet, juicy strawberries; however, there is a warning label that says, â€Å"Do not consume if you have a nut allergy.†The world today is moving forward in the way that society produces our wholefoods. Genetic engineering, bioengineering, or biotechnology is the process of inserting the genetics of different plants and organisms
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Dookie free essay sample
Punk rock makes a smashing comeback with Green Days breakthrough album,Dookie. Punk rock was thought to be dead at long last, but Green Day bringsnewfound interest in the punk scene. Punk rock was popular back in the late 70swhen kids were looking for a new type of music, a new type of rebellion toconservative societys Disco. Today critics might lump Green Day into thealternative scene but its just not the case. Green Day is a different kind ofband, a different kind of music. They like to categorize themselves with theSTPs, Pearl Jams and Nirvanas of the world but they are different. They are morein tune with the kids of the 90s. Most MTV viewers know songs likeLongview and Basket Case but there are many other good songs such as BurnOut, Welcome to Paradise, She, and When I Come Around. Green Day alsoperformed a free concert on September 9th at the Hatch Shell in Boston. We will write a custom essay sample on Dookie or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It was anexciting night of music and fun even a small riot couldnt spoil. I would highlyrecommend Green Days new album Dookie and if they come to your town, dontmiss them! .
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Banks, Bank Firms and Financial Intermediaries
Non-bank firms acquire and use real assets in a way that makes the value of future benefits received greater than the cost of obtaining them. Banks, on the other hand, acquire and use assets so that the value of their benefits exceeds their costs. A majority of banks hold financial assets while non-bank firms hold real assets. Banks use deposits of their customers (creditors) and owners to acquire financial claims against others.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Banks, Bank Firms and Financial Intermediaries specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More They may extend loans, or may invest in other financial instruments. The returns the banks expect to receive will thus depend on the performance of these investments. Non-bank firms will use funds provided by the owners and borrow loans from financial firms or get credits to purchase real assets. The returns they receive are from selling the assets at a higher price or use them (assets) to produce other products which they sell at a margin. Financial intermediaries, by their existence, contribute greatly to economic performance through bringing both borrowers and investors together. Financial intermediaries reduce transaction costs through brokerage and create their own financial instruments. Financial intermediaries also help in reducing agency costs, which come up because of information asymmetry between the market and investors. Why Is It Important to Have Stricter Regulation on Bank? There has been a lot of debate on whether strict regulation on banks are necessary. The reasons below shows that it is necessary to have strict regulation on banks and other financial institutions: The main reason why banks need regulation is to ensure that there is financial stability in the economy. This is to ensure that prices of financial instruments are relatively stable and adequate for an economic growth. Regulation of banks and financial institutions is critical to prevent market failure (financial collapse) caused by externalities from the financial system. Regulation is necessary to ensure enhancement of consumer welfare including protection from fraud and monetary (macro-economic) policy considerations. Regulation is necessary to ensure that banks and other financial institutions are solvent enough by stipulating capital levels required. Lastly, regulation is critical to ensure that these institutions are liquid at all times to be able to meet their financial obligations and when they fall due. Maturity Matching The term maturity refers to the date or to how long it would take for any financial instrument, such as a loan, to be repayable. It also refers to when the interest would be due. Though there is no clear definition, finance scholars have described the circumstances that show maturity matching. In Working Capital Management, maturity matching is a financial plan, whereby one matches the expected life of an asset with the life of the source of funds. Others have tried to define it in Asset Management as the situation where an organization controls its cash inflows and cash outflows. An organization does this by matching the expected life of its income generating assets with the expected life of its interest bearing liabilities.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In maturity matching, when used, a firm would finance its fixed assets and permanent current assets with long-term sources of funds, while current assets would be financed using short-term sources of funds. When a firm matches the variations of its assets and liabilities of the maturity, it hedges itself against any unexpected changes in interest rates. Effect on an Economy When it Uses Maturity Matching Instead Of Borrowing from Financial Markets If financial institutions used maturity matching rather than borrowing from financial markets, thi s action would have an enormous effect in the overall economic growth. This is because when firms match the variations in assets and liabilities, it hedges against the uncertainty in changes the short-term interest rates bring. It is easier for a financial firm to manage its risks caused by changes in interest rates than borrow money from the financial markets. This improves financial markets’ liquidity, which leads to stability in the financial system. Additionally, it helps the firms to maintain high credit ratings since they will rely less on borrowed funds. Therefore, there is less exposure to credit risk. Maturity matching would help the financial institutions to reduce their liquidity risk and improve their profitability. This is because they pay less interest compared with borrowing from financial markets. Consequently, it increases growth in the economy as a whole. Therefore, in conclusion, the usage of maturity matching is more advantageous than borrowing from financ ial markets. This is because it will lead to increased profitability of the firms and reduction of liquidity risk. At the end, it leads to stability in the financial sector and to increased economic growth. Arbitrage It is a trading strategy, whereby an investor would gain a profit from a transaction without injecting more capital or exposing himself/herself to more risk. For example, purchasing a financial instrument from one market and selling the same instrument in another market with different prices. In this case, the investor takes advantage of the market inefficiencies. Another definition given by economics is that it is an opportunity to buy a financial asset from one market at a low price and sell it to another market at another higher price thus making profit.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Banks, Bank Firms and Financial Intermediaries specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, arbitrage is the simu ltaneous purchase and sale of a financial instrument at a low price and selling it at a higher price to make a profit without commitment of more capital by the investor. The investor makes profits by taking advantage of the differences in prices caused by market inefficiencies in the two markets. This ensures that prices do not deviate from the fair value significantly. Speculation Investors invest in risk assets with an aim of making profit when the prices change through the process. It is not a form of betting because investors make decisions after evaluating the financial asset’s performance before purchasing the asset. It is not a traditional investment since the risk acquired is greater than the average one. Another definition of speculation is the commitment to any transaction containing significant risk but with higher chances of huge profits, especially in financial instruments. Speculation is also the considerate assumption of a risk, which is higher than the average short-term risk with an expectation of receiving huge profits from anticipated changes in prices. Hedging Hedge is an investment situation position taken by an investor to counterweigh potential losses, which is likely to cause another investment. A number of financial instruments such as swaps, options, future contracts, forward contracts, insurance and stocks can construct it. It is the process of decreasing risks using derivatives. It is also the process of dealing with the risk of price changes in assets by offsetting such risks in the financial markets using financial instruments. It can vary in complexity depending on the number and the type financial instruments used. How Arbitrage, Speculation And Hedging Develop An Efficient Market In an efficient market, the prices reflect all the relevant information about the underlying asset. Thus, no one can take advantage of the market and make above normal profits. Arbitrage will help in creation or development of efficient market s ince all investors will act rationally. Hence, they will sell overpriced assets and buy the undervalued assets. Eventually, the market will correct itself and the asset prices will be correct. Speculation will lead to efficient market through investing in risky assets and expecting their prices to rise. Thus, prices end up in moving towards their intrinsic value. Hedging helps investors to manage risks. Therefore, it allows investments without worrying about unexpected risks. Therefore, financial assets prices will move towards their intrinsic values.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Effect of Short Selling In European Markets This refers to selling shares of a company with intention to part ownership. It was quite common in the United States before the fall of Lehman Brothers. This triggered a temporary ban on this trade in Hedge Funds. The aim was to control the use of this derivatives trade to inject poor practice in the stock market. There is also an argument that the risk involved is almost zero. This makes the real owners of the stock to suffer in case of a financial meltdown. However, it is important to note that this ban has a long-term bad effect on an economy. The shares of a company are adversely exposed. This is because the wholesale trading which swings investor’s confidence. Managements of the various listed companies may sometimes make poor decisions. This may lead to possibility of failure in business models. Short selling mitigates the risk associated with this failure. This is because the number of investors available is big. This is unl ike a situation where there are limited investors who can easily make radical decisions. This includes selling their shareholding, which may cripple a company. Investors invest in risk assets with an aim of making profit when the prices change through the process. It is not a form of betting because investors make decisions after evaluating the financial asset’s performance before purchasing the asset. It is not a traditional investment since the risk acquired is greater than average. Another definition of speculation is the commitment to any transaction containing significant risk but with higher chances of huge profits, especially in financial instruments. Speculation is also the considerate assumption of a risk, which is higher than average short-term risk with an expectation of receiving huge profits from anticipated changes in prices. In this light, it is not a good idea that European Countries ban short selling. This is especially true if it is a long-term ban. The long -term effects outweigh the short-term benefits by far. This is because nobody will have confidence in investing in a company where the threshold for investing is excessively high. However, if the ban is short-term, like in the United States case, it is possible that the ban will meet the target intended. This is because it will reduce the number of people who want to invest without actually taking a risk. This essay on Banks, Bank Firms and Financial Intermediaries was written and submitted by user Mya K. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Sibling Relations and Subsequent Characteristic Traits
Sibling Relations and Subsequent Characteristic Traits The loss of parents has devastating effects on the lives of the children. Suddenly, the children have to learn to exist without the comfort and sense of re-assurance that parents tend to give to their children – whether young or old.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Sibling Relations and Subsequent Characteristic Traits specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The absence of parents makes the children relate to each other in a different manner. In most cases, the elder siblings tend to take up the parental role; however, unprepared they are, and the subsequent relations between the elder and younger siblings often bring out certain character traits and qualities in them as individuals. The relationship between siblings whose parents are absent due to death or other factors and the subsequent life struggles the siblings endure, frequently bring out certain qualities and characteristics in them. Mostly, the elde r siblings develop a responsible, tough, and unselfish personality, while the younger siblings often become dependent and irresponsible; all siblings, however, acquire sacrificial qualities in the end. In the absence of parents due to death or other factors, elder siblings conventionally have to step in and play the parental role, making these elder siblings become responsible and focused individuals. Inevitably, many elder siblings are suddenly faced with the responsibility of taking care of their younger siblings, filling in the void left by the absent parents. Many of the actions of the elder siblings are geared towards providing a sense of emotional and situational balance for the younger siblings, who are more heavily affected by the absence of the parents (Dunn 788). In most cases, the elder siblings, as a result, become highly responsible and focused individuals. In the instance where the age gap between the eldest siblings and the younger one(s) is significant, the elder si bling often becomes a veritable parent to the younger siblings. If the eldest sibling is involved in any income-earning activity, he or she will be the breadwinner for the younger siblings as expected, and will have to accommodate the needs of the younger siblings in all the plans he or she makes. Out of the relationship between the elder sibling and the younger siblings, in which the elder sibling has to play the ‘parent’ role, a keen sense of responsibility develops in the elder siblings. The elder sibling, regardless of age, has to become the guardian to the younger siblings, and such a responsibility creates a responsible character in the elder siblings.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The elder siblings often have to endure more hardships and have to forfeit their own leisure, freedom, and feelings of hurt and abandonment from the absence of paren ts for the sake of the younger siblings. The elder siblings thus become tough and almost emotionally inexpressive due to this. Because the pain from parental loss is indiscriminate, it affects, hurts, and leaves the older siblings scared and abandoned in the same manner it does the younger siblings. However, the older siblings are not given the opportunity to grieve or express these emotions because they immediately have to fill in the physical and emotional gap left in the family due to the death of parents. Because the elder siblings have to be emotionally strong for the younger siblings, they perfect the art of hiding their feelings. Moreover, given that the elder siblings are expected to be the role model and a source of refuge for the younger siblings when life for these younger siblings gets a bit tough, the elder siblings do not get a chance to ‘wear their hearts on their sleeves’. Even when the occasion calls for a bit of emotional expressiveness, the elder sibl ings will frequently tend to feign a sense of indifference to the situation, so that the younger siblings can get the chance to vent their anger and express their emotions. According to Schlomer et al, whenever the family is in a crisis, the siblings turn to each other for emotional support†¦crises like divorce, parental separation, terminal illnesses in a parent, or death of a parent push the siblings to turn to each other (290). If the sibling age difference is substantial, the elder sibling has to be emotionally competent for the younger sibling(s). Therefore, in most cases, the elder siblings do not usually get the personal opportunity to express their feelings, and thus become emotionally inexpressive and find it harder to express their feelings freely. Additionally, younger siblings are likely to exploit the abundant kindness shown to them by their elder siblings, thereby developing carefree attitudes and cultivating a culture of being irresponsible. The benefits of havin g strong sibling relations, however, tend to be exploited by the younger siblings sometimes. According to Kramer and Conger, modeling is not the only way that younger siblings learn from their elder siblings. Even though younger siblings tend to endeavor to emulate the behavior of the elder siblings, the reverse is also true (4). The influence of peers on the younger siblings tends to be stronger than that of the model elder sibling. Therefore, if the younger sibling does not share mutual friends with the elder sibling, then the influence of the younger sibling’s friends overrides that of the elder siblings in most cases.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Sibling Relations and Subsequent Characteristic Traits specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Subsequently, as the responsible elder siblings endeavor to make the life of the younger sibling better, the younger siblings sometimes take advantage and exploit this kindness for their own selfish ends. Kramer and Conger, for instance, state that the younger siblings are more likely to drop out of school due to early pregnancies or substance abuse whilst cohabiting with the elder sibling. Furthermore, when the elder sibling sets standards in life and educational achievement that the younger sibling may find impossible to emulate, the younger sibling channels these frustrations into self-harmful habits such as drug abuse and become more susceptible to negative peer influence (6). As a result, the younger siblings develop a careless approach to life issues and become irresponsible. Elder siblings, for the sake of their younger siblings, often plan their individual lives to fit to the needs of their younger siblings. The elder siblings thus develop unselfish characteristics. The relationship amongst siblings involves many dynamics. There is a direct relationship between how the younger sibling eventually makes his or her life choices in adulth ood. Such relationship also exists in the influence of the elder sibling on the younger sibling’s life. Gerbert states that, when the elder sibling is supportive of the younger sibling(s), the younger siblings turn out to be more competent than a child who does not receive the emotional, social, and material support of an elder sibling (1389). Such a positive influence by the elder sibling indicates an unselfish characteristic. Oftentimes, hardships endured together strengthen the relationship between siblings; they are more adjusted to life’s common hardships, and such siblings are able to sacrifice their individual desires, dreams, and hopes for the sake of their siblings. These siblings thus mutually develop sacrificial attitudes and characters. The loss of parents, especially in childhood leaves the siblings little option but to draw strength from each other as they grow up. According to Mack, siblings who lose their parents when they are young tend to have stronge r adult relationships than siblings who lose their parents as adults (145).Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As they grow older, these siblings learn to draw strength and inspiration from each other, and the realization that they have only each other for support buttresses these relationships. For instance, the shared struggles between the two brothers, the narrator and Sonny, eventually strengthen their relationship. Having overcome their initial relations, the two brothers in â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†get to appreciate each other’s exclusive dreams and desires in life. Therefore, the loss of parents has the effect of strengthening sibling relations overall, especially if the loss occurs when the children are young. These siblings, in most cases, are thus able and willing to sacrifice for each other and thus acquire a sacrificial character especially towards each other and those close to them. In Conclusion, how siblings relate to each other, especially in the absence of parents, functions to bring out certain characteristics and personalities in the siblings in most cases . The sudden departure of a parent from the family scene has a significant effect on the immediate and future well-being of the children. Most of the time, the children have to make emotional, moral, social and even economic re-adjustments to their lives. All these re-adjustments make the siblings turn to each other for support and re-assurance and such a relationship brings out certain qualities in the siblings. The elder siblings tend to be responsible, emotionally mature, and altruistic, while the younger siblings tend to be irresponsible. Both of them eventually do develop a mutual respect and love for each other, based on shared difficult life experiences as siblings whose parents are absent. Dunn, Judy. Sibling Relationships in Early Childhood. Child Development 54.4 (1983): 787-811. Gerbert, Haselager. Perceived support in sibling relationships and adolescent adjustment. Journal of Child Psychology Psychiatry 45.8 (2004): 1385-1396. Kramer, Laurie, and Katherine J. Conger. What we learn from our sisters and brothers: For better or for worse. New Directions for Child Adolescent Development 2009.126 (2009): 1-12. Mack, Kristin. The effects of early parental death on sibling relationships in later life. Omega: Journal of Death Dying 49.2 (2004): 131-148. Schlomer, Gabriel, Bruce Ellis, and Judy Garber. Mother–Child Conflict and Sibling Relatedness: A Test of Hypotheses from Parent–Offspring Conflict Theory. Journal of Research on Adolescence 20.2 (2010): 287-306.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
The problem of transcendence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The problem of transcendence - Essay Example Theologian William Paley forms one of the failure cohorts in that journey. His first argument was based on a watch. If one were found one lying on the ground, the conclusion would be that there is a designer behind the whole process. The application of the idea is shifted to the anatomy of both humans and animals. He made a conclusive statement that there is a designer behind this elegant creation. The argument leads to the development of a terrible problem. In essence, he simply failed in the aspect of transcendence since he reduced God to being merely powerful and intelligent failing to recognize His finite character. In addition, his argument did create a detrimental effect on the society. God possesses the aspect of being the societal designer from the time immemorial and that character persists. Consequently, what results is that the society perceives God as a being who cannot be a subject to challenging human beings. There is a terrible idea that follows this: if society is des igned, then everything is perfect as it is, and humans cannot be wrong. In other words, God does not challenge human reasoning. If by any chance we saw a fault in the design, we simply did not understand it fully. He said in his book reasons for contentment, "now have the poor anything to complain of here? Are they not surrounded by their relatives as others?". Here he says that nobody is poor. Only those who become a part of something they do not belong to it. The dark side of theology illustrates that scenario and experience.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Difference and diversity in Ontario Schooling Thesis
Difference and diversity in Ontario Schooling - Thesis Example Despite this, there are discontent voices in the overall education system of Canada. Not enough is being done in the education system to be able to provide all rounded education to people of divergent cultures. It will be naive to think that by providing a ‘standard’ form of education to everyone would yield same desired results. The truth is culture and diversity plays a key role in the education of an individual. An individual is a product his surrounding and these surrounding dictates that adjustment should be made to accommodate, assimilate or just understand that particular individual. The Canadian system has been criticized for seemingly favoring the dominant culture at the expense of immigrant cultures. The dominant white culture seems to be the propagated and ‘ideal’ way of living being fronted by the educational quotas. The concept of ‘Educating across difference’ has had its fair form of challenges that have cultural connotations. In r eality it is not the cultural values themselves that bring out the difference in the education system, but it is the values that are attached to particular cultural practices that breed contention. To bury our heads in the sand and ignore issues centering on power and minority can greatly work to undue our delicate social fabric. Power related issues such as ethnocentrism, racism and sexism should form the basis of the discussion on the divergent cultural issue. To be able to understand and appreciate the urban educational system, we first have to learn a brief history of Canada. When faced with the question of diversity and difference, Canada has chosen five broad based responses, each determined by the ideology that was stronger at that specific time in the period. These five responses are; suppressing difference, insisting on the difference, denying difference, inviting difference and lastly critiquing difference. This model of response and framework have been granted by various scholars (Fleras and Elliot, 1992 and Murkerjee 1988; Sleeter and Grant 1944). 1. Suppressing Difference: Aggressive Assimilation The first framework of suppressing is an unsurprising form of human reaction when one meets diversity and divergent views. The dominant and the most widespread at the time take precedence and any new culture has to conform to the pre-existing one. The need for ‘civilize’ others saw some communities being forced to give up their language, religion and forced to embrace the superior French culture (Ashworth, 1993). This campaign of suppression was referred as aggressive assimilation and it was subjected on early immigrant families. The late 1800 brought more quests to ‘Canadize’ the huge numbers of immigrants arriving from Eastern and Southern European countries. This euphoria of the New Canada unwittingly gave rise of fascist and white supremacist movements, which had their support stemming, albeit innocently at first, from all li festyles. Social Credit and CFF parties had endorsed such views bringing together the newly formed the United Church of Canada (Jaenen, 1977, pg. 89). Theories of Social Darwism emphasized on the superiority of Christianity, Anglo-Saxon, Western industrialization and capitalism. Therefore in this sense education was to be used to eliminate the difference in culture and propagate the ‘right’ cultures. 2. Insisting on Difference: Separation and Segregation The
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The garden is an artistic recreation of nature Essay Example for Free
The garden is an artistic recreation of nature Essay There is a saying which goes, the garden is an artistic recreation of nature; a landscape painting in three dimensions. Gardens are considered as a serious art form that aims to create a balance, harmony, proportion and variety. It is distinctive by its symmetrical and controlled characteristics with the landscape beyond it considered as hazardous and hostile. As the 18th century, however, emerged, this view was changed as gardening turned towards its more â€Å"natural†style of planting. â€Å"Natural†gardens were first expressed by writers before it was attempted by garden designers. In Kirk Johnson’s article entitled English Landscape Gardens he said that this is not surprising since literature was more important in English culture than the visual arts. The essay of Sir William Temple entitled Upon the Gardens of Epicurus, which was written in 1685 and first published in 1692, praised what the author imagined as the Chinese Manner of garden style. This essay did not really caused the Europeans to imitate Chinese gardens but it helped them to open their minds to the possibility of creating gardens that differs from the formal tradition (Johnson, 1999). The Chinese imperial garden is basically built in two kinds of styles: first is a large park that is usually with a lake and islands; and the second, a small park which is more intimate because buildings are placed much closer with each other. These gardens are made to traditionally intend to depict the natural landscape of mountains and rivers. Viewed from within the garden, the Chinese design gardens as settings for everyday life. In these gardens, plants are treated in a naturalistic way and often included a water feature. One of the famous traditional Chinese imperial gardens is the Qianlong Garden situated at the Palace of Peace and Longevity in the Eastern section of the Former Imperial Palace which was constructed in the late 18th century in China during the reign of Emperor Qianlong What made this garden unique from other Chinese garden is that despite its limited space all the man-made sceneries built, played a role in beautifying the garden thus creating a harmonious whole. This garden features the famous Chinese rock formations which is the main feature that the Chinese was known for. This naturalistic view was the way that the Chinese depict their garden. Buildings where placed in this garden but due to the fact that there was a limited space of the building, the Chinese landscape designers worked on it in a more compact manner as it would not obliterate the naturalistic view of the landscape. The Kinning Lake which is almost three-fourths of the entire landscape forms part of the entire area of the Qianlong garden. This serpentine lake was transformed and beautified to depict the natural view and natural landscape that the Chinese landscape architects are known for. The English got their ideas of Chinese gardens essentially from the patterns on imported porcelain, lacquer work and silk where they got glimpses of gardens laid out without order or disposition. With these porcelains and other products, the inspiration and ideas was then set leading the new landscape architects to form works similar to the Chinese. The new style of gardening within the English landscape, pioneered by designers like William Kent, Lancelot (Capability) Brown and Humphrey Repton, swept away almost all the remnants of previous formally patterned styles. Looking at the masterpieces of these famous landscape designers, it is undeniable that the Chinese influence in gardening made its way to England during this period. One of the famous eighteenth century landscape garden created by Lancelot Brown is the Stowe Landscape Garden, where he had been the head gardener for ten years. This garden evolved from the traditional Baroque style to that which features the famous serpentine style of Brown. Similar to the Qianlong Garden of China where rocks are piled into hills and winding paths form a maze, Brown recreated a â€Å"Grecian Valley†that is an abstract composition of landform and woodland. This was an unusual composition as compared to the traditional English style that is based on symmetry and proportion. When Brown incorporated the maze form or winding paths, the traditional English style of gardens was revolutionized. The use of buildings in landscapes was the most seen influence by the Chinese. Since the English got their ideas merely on pictures rather than actual observations of Chinese gardens and the lack of detailed information, these garden buildings were quite misunderstood in Europe and tended to be over powering. The Chinese merely used garden buildings within relatively confined areas combining practicality with aesthetics. As buildings were added in the garden setting, some of the pleasing features of the Chinese architecture such as the parsols, pavilions, and bridges were adopted and mixed with the native English work. The Chinese parasols were also in fashion, these are small temples found mixed within the gardens. Later on, there were bridges that were constructed, since most Chinese influence includes small rivers, as they would depict a natural look, bridges were constructed as part of the general garden design. The Stowe Garden with its winding lake similar to the Qianlong Garden also has a bridge nestled in it as against the more traditional symmetry and with only fountains to incorporate water. Another Chinese influence to English garden is the use of Chinese ornamental details. These parsols or mini temples are incorporated on the serpentine lake which particularly depicts the Chinese influence. The more traditional style was then only benches and chairs, which is more likely symmetrical as against the naturalistic way because these mini temples serves as a place of relaxation since they are found near the lake. These are some of the things that the Chinese influenced the English gardens; however, they still do not fully depict the Chinese style but merely form part of the grand design. These ornamental details served to remind Europeans of the eighteenth century of the wondrous land of the East that during that time it was almost impossible to find any one of the larger European gardens that had not at least one Chinese pavilion. Chinese influence may be visible, but the main inspiration of these gardens came from old European paintings (Johnson, 1999). Be that as it may, there are still things that are incorporated in the English design that mainly depict the Chinese influence as part of the general inspiration. WORKS CITED: Gothien, Marie Louise. The English Landscape Garden: Chinese influence on English gardens. History of Garden Art. 1928. Johnson, Kirk. English Landscape Gardens. 9 July 1999. Retrieved from http://www. suite101. com/article. cfm/garden_design/21925/3 Shouyi, Chen. The Chinese Garden in Eighteenth Century England. Tien Hsia Monthly 2 (1936): 321-339. China: Love and Loathing Acquisition of Stuff; Devaluation of Culture. Influence of the Chinese
Monday, January 20, 2020
English as a Second Language Essay -- Education, Helen Dunkelblau, ESL
Helene Dunkelblau, an Assistant Professor of English as a Second Language at Queensborough Community College and author of â€Å"ESL Students Discover the Rewards of Reading through Reader Response Journals,†has experienced ESL students not only struggle to read but struggle to see themselves â€Å"as readers†(50). Dunkelblau has done the same first day introduction activity through many of her ESL classrooms, when the questions transition from those based on nationality to book interest â€Å"at least half of the students just shake their heads and ‘pass’†(51). Dunkelblau faces a challenge with ESL students encountered by English teachers in mainstream classrooms on a smaller scaleâ€â€helping students develop a love for reading. Finding a way to relate what students are reading to their lives helps to create relevance and a greater understanding; which leads Dunkelblau to her rational for using reader response journals in the ESL reading c lassroom. Throughout the course of the semester Dunkelblau requires reader response journals. She defines reader response journals as â€Å"informal literature logs in which students focus on their personal reaction to a story rather than on a strict literary analysis†(51), the informal structure of these responses appear to be a way to lessen readers’ stress while allowing for response. Due to the interactive nature of reading and the â€Å"theoretical framework which assumes that all reading involves transactions between reader and text†(51), readers who journal about what they read show a reflective ability important in the understanding of reading. Dunkelblau sees these reader response journals as a way for her students to find relevance in text to their lives. While the idea of reader response journals i... ...comes not only from having read all the words of the novel, but from really knowing, for themselves†(55) the excitement and knowledge gained from reading and understanding a novel. As a future high school English teacher I hope to bring the idea of reader response journals into my classroom. By seeing the effectiveness reflection and response has had in Dunkelblau’s ESL classrooms, I definitely observe the importance of the exercise in all aspects of English. Dunkelblau didn’t start something new; she simply shared the activity as a way to get students involved in the text so that reading and reading comprehension grows within the ESL classroom. Overall, Dunkelblau setup her classroom in a way she felt would be effective to her students, while other classrooms may be different it is interesting to see a classroom model that has been shown to be successful.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Breaking bad behaviour
Breaking-Bad Behavior Habits are things that people do good or bad repeatedly. People start their own habits, and they are very hard to break. Whether it is good or bad habits, it is something that the person has to choose to change. Breaking bad habits is one of the hardest thing to do. The reason behind the bad habits are we begin as enjoyable activities, which we want to repeat. This encourages us to do things again, and the activity becomes a habit.This habit can be any type of habit like cheating, smoking, and plagiarism. Now a days, you can find everywhere duplicate things all over the world. People steal the formula of the original product and made the same product by different name. This is one kind of cheating. This habit is not good. To stop all that thing we have to buy original and brand name thing which we know. This is the best way to stop this cheating, so this way we can make the company realize that they did wrong.To stop this thing company owner should not have to s how the formula of the product. This happen in college campus also. If some author wrote a book then the instructor of the other college add or remove some topic and published it as his own book. When we attend his/her class he/she told to prefer her own book. We have to look for other author's book and compare it with college edition so we can use the original book. Smoking is a bad habit. It causes a cancer. First the student started smoking as fun but after sometimes they are habituated with it.They cannot live without it. If you don't do smoke and if your friend does and when he offer a cigarette to you, you refuse to smoke, but he forced Misery 2 you to smoke then you defiantly do it and after a few days you will start smoking. So this thing commonly you can see in the schools and colleges. To get rid of these habit start eating chocolates, chewing gum etcetera. So you can divert your mind and after sometimes you will break your this habit. In the college instructor will give a project to the students.Student have to register their name to instructor which project they going to make. So during the class some decided what they have to make, but other cannot get the idea what they have to do. So during the talk they tried to know what other student is going to make. If they know what that other student is going to do then he meet to instructor and register his name with project name, which is actually that student's project. We are responsible for this that we don't know that person very well to whom we are talking and what he is thinking.It's he best way not to tell everything about work to other person, so we can keep our idea safe. Thus, to stop all these incidents of academic misconduct we have to look out for the original source and follow the laws in colleges and schools to keep students away from the bad habits. If you are habituated with bad habit and you want to overcome of it, first commit to stopping the behavior by creating a plan, and develop s elf-discipline, and self-awareness so that you can stay on track. Also choose the right approach to dealing with it and involves others in your efforts.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Prison Overcrowding - 2966 Words
â€Å"Prison Overcrowding: Using Proposals from Nevada and California to Recommend an Alternative Answer†By: Casey Apao For: Dr. Sarri CSN Fall 2010 Dedication: â€Å"I, the undersigned, Casey Apao hereby certify that without the assistance of Henry Apao this Critical Thinking Scientific Paper wouldn’t be done.†Signed , Casey Apao Disclaimer: â€Å"I, Casey Apao hereby certify that this Critical Thinking Scientific Paper is the result of my sole intellectual personal property.†Respectfully, December 04, 2010 Table of Contents Title Page 1 Dedication 2 Disclaimer 3 Table of Contents 4 Introduction 5 Thesis 5†¦show more content†¦It is no surprise that when operating at over capacity there will be health and mental problems to inmates. Nevada plans to attack this crisis with help from the State Supreme Court and law makers. Based on the numbers, tens of thousands inmates are in the Nevada penal system, but there are also undocumented aliens using up federal fund to cloth, feed and house them. One thousand of those inmates are illegal immigrants (Humbert). A new plan by a Nevada justice will ease overcrowding, his answer: sending illegal immigrants home (Humbert). Justice James Hardesty explains that non violent offenders normally serve their sentence and then are turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (I.C.E.) (Humbert). But his plan is to end that time served and send them home right away to speed up the deportation process, a process that could save millions by getting illegal immigrants out of Nevada’s prisons and into I.C.E. custody (Humbert). Estimated figures suggest that it cost nearly $50 dollars per day for each inmate in NDOC (Humbert). By deporting illegal immigrants back to their countries the State can effectively slow down the prison population boom, but more is needed to combat the problem. Nevada also has an Assembly Bill in its arsenal to fight overcrowding. Assembly Bill 510 (AB510) is a measure aimed at reducing the inmate population across the board, except for people in prison for life with out parole (Bellisle). AB 510 would release a much as 1,600Show MoreRelatedPrison Overcrowding1187 Words  | 5 PagesAbstract This paper will discuss prison overcrowding and what type of numbers have come about over the years when it comes to inmates being imprisoned. It will discuss the cost of a prisoner annually as well as the decision to add verses build when it comes to new facilities. The overcrowding in one particular prison will be touched on as well as whose responsibility it is for upkeep. It will discuss how funding plays a role in overcrowding as well as the â€Å"three strikes†rule in California andRead MoreOvercrowding Prisons And The Prisons Essay1785 Words  | 8 PagesAlma Gonzalez Professor Shaw SOC 474OL 11 August 2016 Overcrowding Prisons Prisons were essentially built to accommodate a number of prisoners, but over the years, it has reached over capacity. Today in the United States, there are approximately 193,468 federal inmates that consist of the Bureau of Prisons Custody, private managed facilities and other facilities. The inmates ages range from 18- 65 with the median age being in their late 30’s. This number is counting both male and female populationRead MoreArticle Report On Overcrowding Of Prison Overcrowding1074 Words  | 5 Pages Clark, Charles S. Prison Overcrowding. CQ Researcher 4 Feb. 1994: 97-120. Web. 26 Mar. 2016. This article discusses overcrowding in the United States prison system, due in part to mandatory prison sentences. 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